JuJuBe Million Pockets Deluxe Backpack
Blog, Family, Main PageWas I in the market for a new diaper bag? Absolutely not. I can sit here trying to think of all these reasons as to why I bought a new bag, but really, I just wanted a new one and the green color of this bag was right up my alley. My intent…

Juggling Mental Health Between Work and Home
BlogBefore starting a family, my mindset was always work as much as possible, do whatever you need to do for your company, be available to help. Once I had my daughter the mindset slightly shifted towards family life and during the pandemic it hit…

The Nugget Couch
Blog, Fun, Main PageWay back in the early days of the pandemic, my sister messaged me about a lottery to purchase a Nugget Couch. Respectable there were a few questions pop up. Why create a lottery just to purchase one? Why does that seem strange? More importantly,…

Ways we try to change our mindset on recycling
BlogHappy Earth Day!
Every year we're reminded about the small things we can do to help protect our planet. There's only so many resources on this planet and it seems like it's still a constant conversation with people that habits need to start…