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Camping Trips With Young Kids

It’s that time again! With the nicer weather finally upon us, it means time to plan some camping trips! This summer will be our first trip with the 2 kids as I had just come back from maternity leave towards the end of spring. It just didn’t make sense to go last year. I spent […]

Juggling Mental Health Between Work and Home

Before starting a family, my mindset was always work as much as possible, do whatever you need to do for your company, be available to help. Once I had my daughter the mindset slightly shifted towards family life and during the pandemic it hit a low like many others. It’s been challenging to readjust my […]

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The Nugget Couch

Way back in the early days of the pandemic, my sister messaged me about a lottery to purchase a Nugget Couch. Respectable there were a few questions pop up. Why create a lottery just to purchase one? Why does that seem strange? More importantly, What in the world was a Nugget? My mom, sister, and […]

Kiinde Anika Pump Bag

This post contains affiliate links. It is at no cost to you and just helps out me.   The next phase of breastfeeding after maternity leave is real. Pumping at work. During my leave, I pumped here and there to make sure I had a stash that I was happy with before returning to work. […]

A Family Recharge Day

I reached that mental space where I was starting to go crazy with life. It’s being stuck in the work mindset, house chores, errands, and sleep deprivation from my son never wanting to nap or sleep. I knew I was hitting my limit when I felt like I wasn’t being a good mom towards my […]

How I Re-Season a Cast Iron Skillet

I’ve been in the kitchen with my dad since I was a very little kid. As such I was deemed his baking buddy. My dad has always been once of those who loved playing with kitchen gadgets, but oddly enough my absolute favorite kitchen item was introduced to me until my mid 20s. Enter my […]


Quick and Easy Banana Oat Muffin Recipe

My husband and daughter are lovers of banana’s, yet we were never getting through the bananas that we would buy. As my daughter started eating solids, I figured it was time to start finding recipes to use up the bananas that I disliked. I came across a banana muffin recipe, wrote it down, and over […]

Ways we try to change our mindset on recycling

Happy Earth Day! Every year we’re reminded about the small things we can do to help protect our planet. There’s only so many resources on this planet and it seems like it’s still a constant conversation with people that habits need to start changing to protect them. In no way can anyone be perfect in […]