Camping Trips With Young Kids
Fun, Main PostIt's that time again! With the nicer weather finally upon us, it means time to plan some camping trips! This summer will be our first trip with the 2 kids as I had just come back from maternity leave towards the end of spring. It just didn't…

The Nugget Couch
Blog, Fun, Main PageWay back in the early days of the pandemic, my sister messaged me about a lottery to purchase a Nugget Couch. Respectable there were a few questions pop up. Why create a lottery just to purchase one? Why does that seem strange? More importantly,…

A Family Recharge Day
FunI reached that mental space where I was starting to go crazy with life. It's being stuck in the work mindset, house chores, errands, and sleep deprivation from my son never wanting to nap or sleep. I knew I was hitting my limit when I felt like…

Winter Activities with a Toddler
FunSince my daughter could walk and explore, I've always described her as an outdoor tot. She loves finding sticks, leaves, running around the playground or running through the grass. In the summer days that is incredibly easy to achieve and enjoy.…