I never really knew about cloth diapering except that my grandparents had done it. So when I got lost in the YouTube world, one of the family vloggers I watched spoke about her switch to cloth diapers. I was immediately intrigued even though at that point was a few years away from starting a family.

The important thing about cloth diapering is it doesn’t have to be an all or nothing situation! When I first started I strictly did cloth at home and disposable at night, while we were out or if someone was watching my daughter. It took me awhile to get comfortable enough to show my mom and mother in law what to do with cloth diapers, but thankfully everyone was supportive with my decision in cloth diapering to make the effort too. So by the time my daughter was 2 (and partly thanks to the stay at home orders) I was able to cloth diaper 100% of the time. Whatever fits for you and your family is the right path to take for your cloth diaper journey.


Ever since high school, I started becoming more eco conscious due to my environmental science class. It has made me be more aware of what I’m consuming and how can I do a better job recycling. I started doing research on disposable diapers vs cloth diapers. It’s estimated to take 500 years for a disposable diaper to decompose. That number is crazy to me. If I could simply, reduce how many disposable diapers I used then I would call it a win.


The next thing I looked at was the actual cost of diapering with disposable vs cloth. Disposable diapers come with a monthly cost until your little one is potty-trained. Although the popularity of diaper parties have certainly helped with this cost.

Cloth diapers look like a hefty investment because it’s mainly an up front cost. There are definitely ways to reduce this cost as well depending on the style of cloth diapers you pick and you can always buy second hand. The big thing to remember about cloth diaper cost is that it seems like a hefty upfront cost, but this cost will last you until you potty-train. Even using that diaper covers as swim diapers extends the use of cloth diapers! Also as a bonus, if you didn’t get along with a brand or you’ve finished your cloth diaper journey, you have the option of selling them to at least get some of the money back!

Something else to remember, even if you cloth diaper part time, you’ll be able to make the box of disposable diapers last way longer. Once everyone watching my daughter got use to using the cloth diapers, a box of diapers may last us 3 months or more. Before I started cloth diapering 100% of the time, we only used disposable at night, with a really bad rash, or I mentally couldn’t handle doing diaper laundry.

Cuteness Overload

If you’re looking into cloth diapers, please use the eco-friendly and cost benefit as your main factor. Although if you’re already sold on the idea of cloth diapering then as an added bonus it is so cute to see your little one in a cloth diaper fluff butt. Cloth diaper companies have done an amazing job with the prints and colors available. There’s something for everyone!

If you already cloth diaper or finished your cloth diaper journey, did you start for the same reasons? If you’re going back and forth about cloth diapers, what are some specifics holding you back?

Types of Cloth Diapers

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